Sunday, January 8, 2012

Use Your stash winner

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Result: 11
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Thanks for visiting our hop- the day was a wonderful!... there were some glitches but I have learned a few NEW things about planning a hop!
SO if you ever plan one here are few tips!

1. Post early in am
2. Check everyones link before I leave ( we took a adventure to Archivers)
3. Make sure folks add a link to all blogs in thier post also in case someone doesn't post and leave you hanging or jumping back and forth... so you can hop on....
4. Remind the people who are posting and suggest they only post for ONE group at a time - kinda frustrating to folks when they have to click to find the hop they are looking for!
So I hope you saw some great tips along the way!

BTW the winner is my Test -- LOL
So Carolyn I will have a prize for you when I see you since you my first post!

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