Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I am happy to say that I successfully scrapped all of December Daily , a trip to Chicago , Beautiful musical and and State Street , a trip to Nashville and the Grand Ole Opry, decorating for Christmas, lots of selfie love, and even a Christmas Day flood!
I printed all my layouts from August - Dec 31 , including  my December Daily with the PL app!
My grands and my daughter even enjoyed flipping through a finished album!

Lucky it was 70 degrees and we had some extra man -power to help clean up!
  So not many resolutions this year!
Hoping to get crafty and enjoy some retreats with old friends, catch up and get organized!
As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

WOW!!! You got a lot of scrapping done! That's awesome!!!
Good to know that ya'll survived the flood!! Sure didn't feel like Christmas with all of that going on!
I'm still planning on starting Project Life Scrapbooking, but I've got to find the time!!!
I'm also planning on having a class or workshop for Stampin' Up!
Would love for you to come. :)