Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I am happy to say that I successfully scrapped all of December Daily , a trip to Chicago , Beautiful musical and and State Street , a trip to Nashville and the Grand Ole Opry, decorating for Christmas, lots of selfie love, and even a Christmas Day flood!
I printed all my layouts from August - Dec 31 , including  my December Daily with the PL app!
My grands and my daughter even enjoyed flipping through a finished album!

Lucky it was 70 degrees and we had some extra man -power to help clean up!
  So not many resolutions this year!
Hoping to get crafty and enjoy some retreats with old friends, catch up and get organized!
As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come.

Thanks for stopping by!