Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Crafty timeclock is ticking....

I have been working on the tag swap! I have been cutting all weekend but I think I have a plan! Now to make each one or assembly line? Some things will be assembly line since they need to dry- I googled, spent time on pininterest, and flipped through lots of old books, I have a decision making problem,, and well maybe just to much to choose from - but please note I did not buy anything NEW for this just using my stash! This is the first swap I have done in a long time, it will be held on Dec 3 at the local community center we have used a couple times for crops, I have not seen many of these people since spring! Now what to do with all these scraps? Leave a comment and one Lucky Person will get A Donna's Christmas newspaper from my stash, its great for words, musical papers, and some FUN Scrappy news! I promise to share my finished project soon.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How to plan a road trip!

I am so excited , Susan shared some tips after editing a email I sent her... be sure to visit the site especially before leaving for your trip for Thanksgiving- don't fight the mall crowds -- visit a LSS instead!

I had a great trip and will be showing you shopping trip items in some future posts!
So good to be home again... Lots to do ... family coming to clear out the items we have stored from my in-laws -- Sure to be some fun as we sift thru all those photos

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Planning my December

So I have once again been a bad blogger... but I did a few things on my trip ... visited all my family , My Son and his girls in Ohio, My Parents, brothers and sister in Chicago, this trip has brought lots of emotion with it, I see lots of changes and not sure I like them , time to make more time with family a priorty for next year!
I worked on this mini book for December, I hope to fill it with pictures and notes, my plan is to make a mini for each month next year to use as a journal. THis is from My Little Yellow Bicycle Winter Wishes Collection.
Home soon and hope to get busy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My 10 tips for Finding the LSS

Oh my what a trip....thought I would share what I have discovered to be important....

1. Check The Papercrafters Corner
2. Map it out ...
3. Check the stores website/blog ... not updated not a good sign...
4. CALL before going... the seem to move, close or disapear off the grid....quickly these days...
5. Hours , days,
6. What is near ? Because not all GPS seem to be able to find the LSS....
7. Fill up the gas tank...
8. Ask do they carry Tim Holtz ink or Graphic 45? If the answer is Tim who? Graphic what?
9. Make sure you find somewhere to Park your hubby, mine likes the crop area or the closest coffee spot- and if he is in the crop area he gives free advice.... and design help?
10. Be Prepared for change.... today we ended up in a winery...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Beautiful Fall weekend

Another fall tag I made -

A Family Album made with Little Yellow Bicycle

What a beautiful weekend! we have been in the car ... left Fl. Friday evening, spent the night in Macon, Ga and have drove throught Tennesse and Kentucky today!
The leaves are beautiful, tomorrow another 5 hours and we are there till Wednesday! I have several projects I hope to finish... I seem to get more done in the hotel! Plan on doing a little shopping before I see my granddaughters on Thursday- It has been over a YEAR since we have seen them!
I guess there are some perks being free from the scrapbook store... but I do MISS it!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Frugal Scrapbooker?

I think I am a FRUGAL scrapbooker!
I just can NOT stand to waste paper!
I spent the day sorting my summer shopping trips into messy room! I also cut a herd of deer for my Christmas tags- I played with the vagabond all afternoon! I really love the mini dies ... I think I have to buy a few more...
I just hate to waste my paper so I cut it small enough and use papers tape to SAVE my Kraft paper! I would estimate that I have 18 paper holders that hold about 200 sheets each-- You know waste NOT want Not?

So I have decided I am NOT a hoarder! I am frugal!
What are you?


PS... stay tuned my tags are coming soon...
Yes I am on the road again... my theme song, but I'll be HOME for Christmas