Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A shack with a view...

Home again.... for a few days anyway .... we worked so hard .... but did not get done before time to leave..
      The shack will always be a shack not home..... great for a vacation...but I am NOT sure I can live there ...yet...ever?
 Now the view is the same BEAUTIFUL.. Peaceful  and cool....  It rained almost everyday (much needed)

We went back to doctors this week for a one year Kidney Cancer follow-up - so far ok, it is just all the other issues with back at this point that have changed the way we once lived....

I spent 10 days with my parents , my dad had Lung cancer surgery he did wonderful... talk about a trooper! He is doing great (no more oxgen at this point! He was out walking around the building.before I left..
So all things considering... Life is good!.
Started going through my scrap stuff time to let go ... I have not used tons of it... starting a project life album with my summer photos , maybe it will inspire me.

Thanks for stopping by,